UESI provides multi-disciplined consulting and engineering services.
We are able to address a wide range of challenges facing a variety of industries.
UESI engineers and subject matter experts provide a full range of Expert Consulting Services that encompass many areas of specialization including welding, protective coatings, and corrosion control. Our services include:
- Expert witness services
- Preliminary document review & analysis of dispute
- In-Depth field analysis
- Interrogatory and deposition assistance
- Deposition / court appearances
- Dispute settlement / arbitration
- Coating failure analysis
- Program development & implementation support
- Material qualification testing such as DBA LOCA testing for nuclear safety related coatings
- Special processes such as underwater coating application and welding
Utilizing our combined resources, UESI supports the Nuclear Industry under its 10CFR-50 Appendix B / ASME NQA-1 QA Program, and is able to address the full range of nuclear coating issues affecting safety-related and BOP coatings in both atmospheric and immersion service. Consultants and Subject Matter Experts provide services that include: regulatory & licensing support, evaluation of special processes, program development & management, engineering assessment & failure analysis, and staff augmentation & training.
Related Technical Services include:
- Quality Control & Quality Assurance
- Developing Technical Specifications
- Coating System Recommendations & Specifications
- Containment Design, Ventilation Efficiency Evaluation
- Written Programs Addressing a wide Range of Industry Stan
- Worker Training & Qualification