Martin County Tuckahoe Seawall Replacement

Project Dates: 02/01/2021 – 11/13/2021
UESI Project Director: Andrew Connelly
UESI Project Manager: Lee Busbin
UESI Project Number: COM2021203

UESI was awarded the Martin County BOCC's Tuckahoe Mansion Seawall Replacement project! The seawall replacement project consisted of the removal of an existing 300’ long wood boardwalk, removal and relocation of several 70’ tall palm trees, 30+LF helical tiebacks and the installation of a new 400LF seawall in front of a failing existing seawall. The new 400’ long seawall was a combination wall consisting of steel sheet pile and cast in-place concrete. Approximately 1,000 tons of Rip Rap Stone was placed in front of the new wall and a new wood boardwalk will be built to match the pre-existing wood boardwalk.