Nuclear coating consulting in Virginia

What is nuclear coating consulting in Virginia? There are many areas that underwater inspections can work in, such as remote inspections, nuclear-in inspections, coatings inspections, NACE, ANSI, ASME coating and corrosion inspection, and more.

Underwater Engineering Services, Inc, offer a wide range of services and turnkey solutions and design and specialty services uniquely applicable to customers ranging from heavy marine construction companies to nuclear power plant operators. UESI has experts experienced in supporting and managing diving operations in various industries, including nuclear, fossil, hydroelectric generation, offshore oil and gas, heavy marine construction, and infrastructure rehabilitation.

When Owners, engineers, or other contractors need a subject matter expert or project management support, UESI has the capabilities to guide the project from initial scope development to completion.

Our multi-disciplined nuclear coating consulting in Virginia and engineering services allow us to address a wide range of challenges facing the nuclear industry. Our team of professional divers, inspectors, marine construction specialists, and engineers find innovative ways to build quality into every project.

UESI provides engineering, consulting, inspection, maintenance, and construction services to nuclear industry customers worldwide. Our services cover assets above and below the water and support operating commercial nuclear plants, research facilities, government sites, and plants undergoing decommissioning. We can respond rapidly to emergent work, perform large-scale projects, and support multi-year service contracts.

UESI has earned a reputation and is recognized as the nuclear industry leader in nuclear coatings and linings, procurement engineering, technical consulting, prominent industry committee membership, corrosion engineering, quality and technological program/specification development, and large-scale project management.

The rigor, integrity, and expertise of UESI approach to its nuclear safety-related work carry over into all of our services. In this respect, UESI has the experience and capability to perform turnkey projects independently. This aspect of our capabilities and services sets us apart from other diving services companies.

Years of experience have taught us that we must plan safety, quality, and innovation for every project. So, if you are looking for the best nuclear coating consulting in Virginia, contact us for more information.

Phone: 772-337-3116
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Address: 3306 Enterprise Rd, Fort Pierce, FL 34982